Master CppDepend Console Command Line Options

A Complete Guide to CppDepend.Console Command Line Options

Welcome to our complete guide on CppDepend.Console.exe command line options! CppDepend is a powerful code analysis tool that enables you to optimize your C/C++ projects and improve your software quality. This guide will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the various command line options available in CppDepend.Console.exe, and how to effectively use them to enhance your project's performance.

Let's explore the CppDepend.Console command line options!

  • The path to the CppDepend project file(.cdproj).
    It must be specified as the first argument. If you need to specify a path that contains a space character use double quotes ".. ..". Relative paths are not supported. These remarks also apply to paths provided with options /OutDir and /XslForReport.
  • /ViewReport: to view the HTML report
  • /Silent: to disable output and eventual calls to Console.Read() on console
  • /HideConsole: to hide the console window.
  • /FullAnalysis: launch the full analysis.
  • /LogTrendMetrics: to force log trend metrics.
  • /XslForReport xlsFilePath: to provide your own Xsl file used to build report. The path specified must be absolute.
  • /OutDir dir : to override the output dir specified in the CppDepend project file. The dir specified must be absolute. VisualCppDepend.exe won't work on the machine where you used CppDepend.Console.exe with the option /OutDir because VisualCppDepend.exe is not aware of the output dir specified and will try to use the output dir specified in your CppDepend project file.
  • /EmitVisualNDependBinXml: to emit the file VisualCppDepend.bin.xml VisualCppDepend.bin.xml is an xml file that contains the dependencies graph of your application. It can be used for your own purpose. VisualCppDepend.exe uses VisualCppDepend.bin which is a GZipStream compressed version of VisualCppDepend.bin.xml.
  • /Help: to display the current help on console

CppDepend offers a wide range of features. It is often described as a Swiss Army Knife for C and C++ developers.

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