C++ Generic Programming: From Libraries to Core Projects

C++ generic programming, initially popularized for creating reusable libraries like the Standard Template Library (STL), has recently seen widespread adoption in many C++ projects. The power of templates allows developers to write code that is flexible, reusable, and type-safe, reducing redundancy while ensuring performance. With modern C++ standards (C++11, C++17, and C++20), template programming has evolved, featuring advanced concepts like variadic templates, constexpr, and SFINAE, which help manage complexity. This trend has made generic programming an integral part of contemporary C++ development.

Shifting from OOP to generics in core projects: Runtime Polymorphism to Static Polymorphism

Runtime polymorphism plays a crucial role in many OOP design patterns by allowing objects to be treated uniformly through a common interface or base class. Here’s how it is used in popular design patterns:

  1. Strategy Pattern: Encapsulates algorithms in classes, allowing them to be swapped at runtime through polymorphism.
  2. Observer Pattern: Allows multiple observers to react to changes in a subject, with dynamic binding of observer methods.
  3. Factory Method Pattern: Returns different types of objects, which share a common interface, decided at runtime.

Runtime polymorphism, is implemented using inheritance and virtual functions. Here, the method to be invoked is determined at runtime using a vtable. This approach adds flexibility because the exact type doesn’t need to be known until runtime, but it introduces some overhead due to virtual function lookups.


class Base {
    virtual void doSomething() = 0;

class Derived : public Base {
    void doSomething() override {
        // Implementation

Static polymorphism, on the other hand, is achieved through templates or function overloading, where the method to be invoked is determined at compile time. This provides better performance since there’s no overhead of function lookup at runtime. A common example is CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern), which uses templates to achieve polymorphism without virtual functions.


template<typename T>
class Base {
    void doSomething() {

Key Differences:

  • Performance: Static polymorphism has better performance due to compile-time resolution, while runtime polymorphism incurs a small overhead for dynamic dispatch.
  • Flexibility: Runtime polymorphism is more flexible, allowing changes in behavior based on the actual object type at runtime, whereas static polymorphism requires the type to be known at compile time.
  • Use Case: Static polymorphism is ideal for scenarios where performance is critical, and runtime polymorphism is useful when flexibility and extensibility are important.

In core projects, dynamic polymorphism has been largely replaced by static polymorphism, with many template-based idioms gaining popularity. This shift has significantly changed the way C++ developers write code, offering better performance and compile-time optimizations.