Testing if the newcomer Llama3 is beneficial for c++ developers

AI has become prevalent in various domains, including software development. Many developers leverage generative AI to aid them in coding. Let’s explore the newcomer Llama3 and assess its suitability for C++ developers.

Related to Meta here’s a brief description of Llama3:

Our new 8B and 70B parameter Llama 3 models are a major leap over Llama 2 and establish a new state-of-the-art for LLM models at those scales. Thanks to improvements in pretraining and post-training, our pretrained and instruction-fine-tuned models are the best models existing today at the 8B and 70B parameter scale. Improvements in our post-training procedures substantially reduced false refusal rates, improved alignment, and increased diversity in model responses. We also saw greatly improved capabilities like reasoning, code generation, and instruction following making Llama 3 more steerable.

Certain developers may lack interest in AI generative tools due to their perception that the results are not yet mature. This sentiment is particularly pronounced among expert developers who swiftly identify areas for improvement in generated code. Nonetheless, I believe that for the majority of developers, generated code could serve as a valuable starting point for implementation, refactoring, or explanation purposes.

Let’s discover if Llama3 is suitable for C++ developers or not.

New coding:

We asked Llama3 to implement the dining philosophers problem in modern C++, and the outcome is interesting. It effectively utilizes modern C++ features, resulting in clean and comprehensible code.

However, we wonder if Llama3 is trained to utilize the most commonly used C++ libraries. To investigate this, we instructed it to employ the Boost library for implementing certain algorithms, and the outcome is impressive. LLama3 demonstrates adept utilization of Boost features.

Similarly, we tested Llama3’s proficiency with the Qt library by requesting it to implement a login form. Once again, the results are noteworthy, showcasing Llama3’s capabilities in utilizing the Qt library effectively.

Code Refactoring

After testing the refactoring of some pieces of C++ code, we remark that the refactoring not concern only these aspects:

  • The variable renaming.
  • Remove duplicate code.
  • Reformat code style.
  • Removing unecessary code.
  • Modernizing C++ code.

But it refactor also the design by splitting methods in many other methods to make the code more clean and more maintainable.

Explains existing code:

Understanding a legacy C++ code become an important task, specially for new developers joining a C++ project. And asking Llam3 to explain a piece of code worth it, it describe in details what the code does.

Master C++ features:

When prompted to discuss a C++ feature, LLama3 provides concise documentation accompanied by numerous examples.


Following our tests, we’ve found that Llama3 serves as an excellent assistant for C++ developers. It proves beneficial for tasks such as new coding, refactoring, explaining legacy code, and mastering C++ features. Therefore, to all C++ developers, I recommend giving it a try—you may be pleasantly surprised by its results.

The single C++ line that is worth millions of dollars.

Many developers has already heard about the Ariane5 bug , it was one of the most infamous software failures in the history of aerospace engineering. It occurred on June 4, 1996, during the maiden flight of the Ariane 5 rocket, which was intended to launch four Cluster satellites into orbit to study Earth’s magnetosphere.

The bug itself was a software issue related to the guidance system of the rocket. The software component responsible for converting a 64-bit floating-point value to a 16-bit signed integer for use in the guidance system caused an unhandled exception due to an overflow error. So finally one line of code costs millions of dollars and make the Ariane 5 launch is widely acknowledged as one of the most expensive software failures in history.

But in the other side do you know which line of code worth million of dollars?

It was this magic C++ line : i = 0x5f3759df – ( i >> 1 );

This line was introduced first in the code of Quake to optimize the calculation of the inverse square root.

float Q_rsqrt(float number)
  long i;
  float x2, y;
  const float threehalfs = 1.5F;

  x2 = number * 0.5F;
  y  = number;
  i  = * ( long * ) &y;                       // evil floating point bit level hacking
  i  = 0x5f3759df - ( i >> 1 );               // what the fuck?
  y  = * ( float * ) &i;
  y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );   // 1st iteration
  // y  = y * ( threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y ) );   // 2nd iteration, this can be removed

  return y;

Why optimizing Inverse square root is so important?

Inverse square roots find utility in video game graphics, particularly within the realm of 3D game engines. Various aspects of game programming, such as pathfinding, lighting, and reflections, heavily rely on vector normalization, a process that necessitates an inverse square root operation. However, performing inverse square roots, which involve floating-point division, can be computationally costly for processors. In fast-paced and visually immersive games like Quake III Arena, these computations occur millions of times per second. Therefore, even a slight enhancement in the performance of such calculations could notably augment the speed of graphics computation and ultimately enhance the game’s frame rate. To circumvent the resource-intensive nature of the inverse square root function, the programmers of the id Tech 3 engine devised an exceptionally precise and rapid approximation.

Without this clever optimization, perhaps Quake would not have achieved its status as a benchmark in the gaming industry.

Who is the brilliant mind behind this innovative solution?

Rys Sommerfeldt, Senior Manager of the European Game Engineering Team at AMD RTG, launched an investigation into the function’s origins in 2004. And finally it appears that Greg Walsh is the author. Greg Walsh is a monument in the world of computing. He helped engineer the first WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get”) word processor at Xerox PARC and helped found Ardent Computer. Greg worked closely with Cleve Moler, author of Matlab, while at Ardent and it was Cleve who Greg called the inspiration for the Fast Inverse Square Root function.

Morale of the story

For some problems, take your time and think outside the box. Thinking outside the box is about breaking away from conventional or traditional ways of thinking and exploring unconventional, innovative, and creative solutions to problems. So when the problem is difficult to resolve, take your time to try exploring it from different sides, maybe you could find a solution that surpass your exceptations.

Be prepared to work soon with a C++ agent.

Perhaps within two years or even sooner, developers could find themselves having a conversation like this:

“Which C++ agent are you utilizing?”

“I’m using the X agent.”

“And does it contribute to cleaner code with fewer bugs?”

“Yes, it’s fantastic! My C++ code has been modernized.”

“What about the application design?”

“My agent has been trained to implement design patterns. Additionally, I’ve provided it with training data to incorporate the best C++ idioms.”

So why are we quickly approaching a future where humans collaborate with agents to accomplish our tasks? Because major players in AI are pushing for the rapid release of AI agents.

AI agents, also known as intelligent agents, are software entities that perceive their environment and take actions to achieve specific goals. These agents are a fundamental concept in artificial intelligence and are widely used in various applications, ranging from simple automation tasks to complex decision-making systems. Here are some key points about AI agents:

  1. Goal-Oriented Behavior: AI agents are typically designed to achieve specific goals or objectives. These goals can range from simple tasks like navigating a maze to more complex objectives such as winning a game or optimizing resource allocation in a manufacturing plant.
  2. Autonomy: AI agents operate autonomously, meaning they can make decisions and take actions without direct human intervention. They have the ability to adapt and respond to changes in their environment, making them suitable for dynamic and unpredictable scenarios.
  3. Learning and Adaptation: Many AI agents are capable of learning from experience and improving their performance over time. This can involve various learning techniques such as supervised learning, reinforcement learning, or evolutionary algorithms. By learning from past interactions, agents can become more effective at achieving their goals.
  4. Types of Agents: AI agents can be classified into various types based on their capabilities and behavior. For example, reactive agents simply respond to stimuli in their environment, while deliberative agents plan and reason about their actions. Hybrid agents combine multiple approaches to achieve more complex behavior.
  5. Applications: AI agents are used in a wide range of applications across different domains. In robotics, agents control the movement and behavior of robots in various environments. In virtual assistants, agents interpret user queries and perform tasks on their behalf. In finance, agents can execute trades based on market data and predictive analytics.
  6. Challenges: Designing effective AI agents involves addressing various challenges, such as ensuring robustness to uncertain and noisy environments, dealing with incomplete or inaccurate information, and balancing exploration and exploitation in decision-making.

Overall, AI agents play a crucial role in artificial intelligence research and applications, providing a framework for building intelligent systems that can perceive, reason, and act in complex environments. As AI technology continues to advance, the capabilities of AI agents are expected to grow, enabling new possibilities for automation, decision support, and intelligent interaction.

The new C++ standards must anticipate the coming AI tsunami.

The significant and rapid transformation driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology promise a very big AI tsunami that will change our life as developers. While the exact nature of these changes can vary depending on context and perspective, there are several broad trends and potential impacts that might be expected following such a transformative event:

  1. Automation of Routine Tasks: With the advancement of AI algorithms and robotics, routine tasks across various industries could be automated at a scale never seen before. This could lead to increased efficiency and productivity in sectors like manufacturing, logistics, and customer service.
  2. Job Displacement and Reskilling: The widespread adoption of AI-driven automation may lead to job displacement in certain sectors, as tasks traditionally performed by humans become automated. This could necessitate significant efforts in workforce reskilling and upskilling to adapt to the changing job market and enable people to transition to new roles that require more creative or complex problem-solving skills.
  3. Enhanced Personalization and User Experience: AI technologies enable the analysis of vast amounts of data to personalize products, services, and experiences for individuals. This could lead to more tailored recommendations, better customer service interactions, and more intuitive user interfaces across various digital platforms.
  4. Rapid Innovation and Disruption: The AI tsunami could accelerate innovation across numerous sectors, leading to the emergence of new products, services, and business models. This rapid pace of change may also result in disruption for incumbent players who fail to adapt to the evolving technological landscape.
  5. New Opportunities for Collaboration: Addressing the complex challenges and opportunities presented by AI will likely require collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including governments, businesses, academia, and civil society organizations. This could lead to new forms of partnerships and collaborations aimed at harnessing the potential of AI while mitigating its risks.

Every industry must adjust to this new context, and programming languages are no exception. In this scenario, code generation by robots will likely dominate, with humans primarily tasked with reviewing the output. Consequently, programming languages will become more tailored to machines rather than humans. This shift will change a lot of things concerning the priority of the new standards features.

For example, recently a big debat was initiated concerning the C++ safety. However with the AI robots, this issue will not be the most important. because the robots will be trained using the most well developped C++ projects and the basic C++ errors producing a not safe C++ code will disapear.

The good news for C++ is that it can be the most prefered language by the AI robots compared to the other programming languages, indeed C++ has many advantages:

  1. Performance: C++ is known for its high performance and efficiency, making it ideal for applications that require fast execution speeds and low-level system access. Its ability to directly manipulate memory and optimize code makes it suitable for resource-intensive tasks such as game development, embedded systems, and real-time applications.
  2. Portability: C++ code can be compiled to run on various platforms with minimal modifications, offering excellent portability across different operating systems and hardware architectures. This makes C++ a versatile choice for developing software that needs to run on multiple platforms.
  3. Control: C++ provides developers with fine-grained control over system resources and hardware, allowing for efficient resource management and optimization. This level of control is essential for developing performance-critical applications and low-level system software.
  4. Flexibility: C++ is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports both procedural and object-oriented programming paradigms, as well as generic programming techniques. This flexibility enables developers to choose the most suitable programming approach for their specific project requirements.
  5. Rich Standard Library: C++ comes with a rich standard library that provides a wide range of functionality for common programming tasks, including data structures, algorithms, file I/O, and networking. The standard library’s comprehensive nature reduces the need for external dependencies and simplifies development.
  6. Scalability: C++ is well-suited for developing scalable software solutions, from small embedded systems to large-scale enterprise applications. Its performance, control, and flexibility make it a reliable choice for projects of varying sizes and complexities.

Thus, AI robots could effortlessly circumvent C++’s drawbacks such as safety concerns, its perceived complexity, and the steep learning curve. They could instead capitalize on its myriad advantages. Nonetheless, it is imperative for the C++ standards committee to proactively prepare for the impending AI revolution by introducing features that render C++ more accommodating for AI robots.

The next successful programming language will be the one that best suits the needs of AI robots, rather than simply being favored by human developers 🙂