Another big tech company join the move away from C++ initiative, How we can stop this migration process?


2011 marked the renaissance of C++, driven by the release of C++11 which introduced numerous features to modernize the language, such as lambda expressions, smart pointers, and a more efficient standard library. However, a decade later, major tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, and Meta are initiating processes to migrate away from C++. This shift highlights growing concerns about memory safety and the evolving landscape of systems programming.

Just recently there’s another big company joining the Moving away from C++ initiative. it concern Apple that recommend to replace C++ with Swift.

One could argue that the issue lies not with C++ itself, but with the developers using it. However, the reality is that big companies are shifting away from C++.

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The new C++ standards must anticipate the coming AI tsunami.

The significant and rapid transformation driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology promise a very big AI tsunami that will change our life as developers. While the exact nature of these changes can vary depending on context and perspective, there are several broad trends and potential impacts that might be expected following such a transformative event:

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Are C++ and Java similar?

C++ and Java are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. Both are widely used for developing a variety of applications, ranging from desktop software to mobile applications, and from enterprise systems to gaming engines. Due to their popularity, many developers often wonder if C++ and Java are similar. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at these two languages and compare their similarities and differences.

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