The new C++ standards must anticipate the coming AI tsunami.

The significant and rapid transformation driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology promise a very big AI tsunami that will change our life as developers. While the exact nature of these changes can vary depending on context and perspective, there are several broad trends and potential impacts that might be expected following such a transformative event:

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Boost vs C++ Standards: The Future of C++

In 1998 a proposal for  a C++ Library Repository Web Site was posted by Beman G. Dawes. The original vision aims to satisfy two major goals:

  • A world-wide website containing a repository of free C++ class libraries would be of great benefit to the C++ community. Although other sites supply specific libraries or provide links to libraries, there is currently no well-known website that acts as a general repository for C++ libraries. The vision is this: a site where programmers can find the libraries they need, post libraries they would like to share, and which can act as a focal point to encourage innovative C++ library development. An online peer review process is envisioned to ensure library quality with a minimum of bureaucracy.
  • Secondary goals include encouraging effective programming techniques and providing a focal point for C++ programmers to participate in a wider community. Additionally, such a site might foster C++ standards activity by helping to establish existing practice.

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C++ Standards and Best Practices: The Perfect Combo

C++ has been stagnated for many years, and many developers were confident that the language would have the same destiny as Cobol, Fortran, and VB6.  On the contrary and against all odds, C++ is reborn from its ashes and the new standards are importantly changing how the language is used.

The evolution of C++ by adding many interesting features does not mean that c++98 standard was a bad standard. Indeed, it gives us many interesting features to develop all kinds of applications. We can enumerate many well-developed old C++ projects, where the code is easy to maintain and evolve. Continue reading “C++ Standards and Best Practices: The Perfect Combo”