Simplify concurrent programming with C++26 Hazard Pointers.

As C++ continues to evolve, the upcoming C++26 standard introduces several exciting features aimed at improving concurrent programming. One of the standout additions is Hazard Pointers, a powerful tool for managing memory safely and efficiently in multi-threaded environments. This post explores the concept of Hazard Pointers in C++26, including their importance, implementation, and practical examples.

What Are Hazard Pointers?

Hazard Pointers are a technique used to safely manage memory in concurrent programming, especially when dealing with lock-free data structures. The core idea is to allow a thread to declare its intention to access a particular object by setting a hazard pointer. This pointer signals that the object is in use and should not be deleted by other threads.

Why Hazard Pointers in C++26?

Traditional memory management techniques in concurrent environments, such as locks or garbage collection, come with significant drawbacks. Locks can cause contention and degrade performance, while garbage collection introduces overhead and non-deterministic pauses. Hazard Pointers offer a lock-free, deterministic alternative, providing a safe and efficient way to handle memory in multi-threaded applications.

With C++26, Hazard Pointers are standardized, bringing a well-defined, robust mechanism directly into the language, making them easier to adopt and use correctly in concurrent programming.

Key Features of C++26 Hazard Pointers

  1. Standardization: With Hazard Pointers now part of the C++26 standard, developers can rely on a consistent and portable implementation across different compilers and platforms.
  2. Improved Safety: Hazard Pointers prevent premature deletion of objects by ensuring that any object still referenced by a hazard pointer cannot be reclaimed.
  3. Lock-Free Memory Management: Hazard Pointers enable lock-free memory management, reducing the risk of contention and improving performance in multi-threaded environments.
  4. Efficient Memory Reclamation: C++26 introduces mechanisms for deferred reclamation, allowing threads to safely and efficiently reclaim memory without waiting for all other threads to finish using the objects.

How Hazard Pointers Work in C++26

Here’s a high-level overview of how Hazard Pointers work:

  1. Thread Declares a Hazard Pointer: A thread sets a hazard pointer to indicate that it is about to access a specific object.
  2. Check Before Deletion: When another thread attempts to delete the object, it first checks all active hazard pointers. If the object is still in use, deletion is deferred.
  3. Clear Hazard Pointer: Once the thread is done with the object, it clears the hazard pointer, signaling that the object can be safely deleted if no other thread is using it.
  4. Safe Memory Reclamation: If no hazard pointers are referencing the object, it is safely reclaimed and its memory is freed.

Sample Implementation of Hazard Pointers in C++26

Below is a simple example demonstrating the use of Hazard Pointers in C++26:

#include <hazard_pointer>
#include <memory>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>

struct Node {
    int data;
    std::shared_ptr<Node> next;

std::atomic<std::shared_ptr<Node>> head;

void thread_func() {
    auto hptr = std::make_shared<Node>();  // Create a new node
    hptr->data = 42;
    hptr->next = head.load();  // Get the current head

    // Use hazard pointer to protect access to the head node
    std::hazard_pointer hp;

    // Safe access to the node protected by the hazard pointer
    if (head == hptr->next) {
        hptr->next =;  // Update the head
        std::cout << "Node inserted with data: " << hptr->data << std::endl;

    // Clear the hazard pointer when done

int main() {
    std::thread t1(thread_func);
    std::thread t2(thread_func);


    // Clean up
    while (auto h = head.load()) {>next);

    return 0;


  • Hazard Pointer Initialization: The std::hazard_pointer object is created to protect access to the shared object (in this case, the head of a linked list).
  • Memory Access Protection: The hazard pointer is set to protect the object, ensuring that it cannot be deleted by other threads while it’s in use.
  • Thread-Safe Memory Management: The exchange operation updates the shared head pointer atomically, ensuring that no other thread can interfere during the update.
  • Deferred Reclamation: The example ensures that objects are only deleted after they are no longer referenced by any hazard pointers, preventing potential use-after-free errors.

Benefits of Using Hazard Pointers

  1. Deterministic and Lock-Free: Hazard Pointers provide deterministic memory reclamation without relying on locks, making them suitable for high-performance, real-time applications.
  2. Improved Safety: By ensuring that objects are not prematurely deleted, Hazard Pointers significantly reduce the risk of memory-related bugs in concurrent programs.
  3. Portability: As part of the C++26 standard, Hazard Pointers will be widely supported, making it easier for developers to write portable, reliable code.
  4. Efficiency: With deferred reclamation, Hazard Pointers allow threads to manage memory efficiently, avoiding unnecessary delays and improving overall application performance.


C++26’s introduction of Hazard Pointers marks a significant step forward in the evolution of concurrent programming in C++. By providing a standardized, lock-free memory management mechanism, Hazard Pointers offer a robust solution to the challenges of managing shared objects in multi-threaded environments. As developers begin to adopt C++26, Hazard Pointers will become an indispensable tool for writing safe, efficient, and high-performance concurrent code.

For a deeper understanding and detailed specifications, you can refer to the C++26 Hazard Pointers proposal.