Why is the memory safety feature so hard to add to the C++ language?

Adding memory safety to C++ is challenging due to the language’s fundamental design principles and its deep-rooted history. Here are the key reasons why integrating memory safety into C++ is particularly difficult:

1- Performance vs. Safety Trade-offs:

    • C++ is designed to offer maximum performance and fine-grained control over system resources, including memory. Introducing safety features often involves runtime checks, which can impose performance overhead. This conflicts with C++’s ethos of “zero-cost abstractions,” where features should not incur any overhead unless they are explicitly used.

    2- Backwards Compatibility:

      • C++ has a massive codebase accumulated over decades. Ensuring that new safety features do not break existing code is a significant challenge. Developers need to ensure that adding memory safety does not disrupt legacy systems, which rely heavily on the current behavior of C++.

      3- Manual Memory Management:

        • One of the defining features of C++ is manual memory management using pointers, new/delete, and custom allocators. Introducing memory safety features like garbage collection or automated memory management would require significant changes to how C++ programs are written and could disrupt existing practices.

        4- Complexity of the Language:

          • C++ is a complex language with many features interacting in intricate ways. Adding memory safety mechanisms that work consistently across all these features—like RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), template metaprogramming, and low-level system programming—adds layers of complexity to both the language design and its implementation.

          5- Diverse Use Cases:

            • C++ is used in a wide range of applications, from high-performance computing to embedded systems and real-time applications. Each domain has its own requirements and constraints. Memory safety features suitable for one domain may not be acceptable in another, making it hard to create a one-size-fits-all solution.

            Because of these challenges, the C++ standards committee is proceeding cautiously. Efforts are being made to introduce safety features incrementally, through optional tools or libraries, rather than by enforcing them at the language level, allowing developers to opt-in to safer practices without sacrificing the flexibility and performance that C++ is known for.

            Fortunately, the C++ standards committee (WG21) is increasingly focusing on memory safety, with efforts underway to integrate compile-time safety checks without sacrificing performance. This move is expected to make C++ safer by default, addressing long-standing concerns about memory management issues in the language.

            In this interesting conference, Herb Sutter talk more about the C++ safety.

            To gain a concrete understanding of the future of C++ regarding memory safety, you can attend Herb Sutter’s online conference organized by MeetingCpp.