About WDP - Well Developed Project


Well Developed Project (WDP) Program

Well Developed Project (WDP) Program

The Well Developed Project (WDP) program aims to improve the quality implementation of your C/C++ open source projects for free. The goal is to achieve a deep audit of your projects and to send you some recommendations.

A wide range of tools are used

  • Cppcheck: Cppcheck supports a wide variety of static checks that may not be covered by the compiler itself. These checks are static analysis checks that can be performed at a source code level. The program is directed towards static analysis checks that are rigorous, rather than heuristic in nature.

  • Clang: Clang aims to produce beautiful diagnostics by default, particularly for new users that first come to Clang. However, different people have different preferences, and sometimes Clang is driven by another program that wants to parse simple and consistent output, not a person. For these cases, Clang provides a wide range of options to control the exact output format of the diagnostics that it generates.

  • C++ Modernizer: is a standalone tool used to parse C++ code written against old standards to suggest the use of features of the newest C++ standard where appropriate.

  • Visual Studio Analyzer: Visual Studio Analyzer is a performance analysis tool you can use to examine and debug distributed applications. As your application runs, Visual Studio Analyzer can record data about its performance and execution

  • CppDepend: CppDepend manages complex code base and achieves high Code Quality. With CppDepend, software quality can be measured using Code Metrics, visualized using Graphs and Treemaps, and enforced using standard and custom Rules.

  • Vera++: Vera++ is a programmable tool for verification, analysis and transformation of C++ source code. Vera++ provides source code metrics and statistics.

  • Our technical team: Our highly skilled engineers have comprehensive knowledge of these listed tools to give you the most positive reports about your project implementation.

Checked aspects

The analysis will concern the design and the implementation of your project. Here are some checked aspects:

  • Issues detected from Clang, CppCheck, Visual Studio Analyzer and Vera ++,
  • Coupling,
  • Cohesion,
  • Abstracness vs Instability,
  • Inheritence,
  • Dependency cycles,
  • Layering issues,
  • Purity - immutability,
  • Types too complex,
  • Methods too complex,
  • Naming Conventions,
  • Template best practices,
  • Object oriented Design best practices,
  • Dead Code.

How to apply for the project review?

To apply for this free analysis, please make sure that you are the project lead or a committer. To get your free analysis, you can just send us a mail at developer@codergears.com with your open source project link.

Our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible with the generated report.

The well developed C/C++ projects will receive the WDP label.

How to apply to join the WDP reviewers?

If you are a C/C++ expert or an open source C/C++ lead or a committer, you can just send us a mail at developer@codergears.com.

Our team will get in touch with you to confirm if you can join the reviewers' team.

CppDepend offers a wide range of features. It is often described as a Swiss Army Knife for C and C++ developers.

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