Learn Design Patterns from RigsOfRods Game Project

The majority of developers have already heard about the design patterns, GOF(Gang Of Four) patterns are the most popularized, and each developer has his way to learn them , we can enumerate:

  • Reading a book.
  • From web sites.
  • From a collegue.
  • Doing a training.

Regardless of the method chose, we can learn by heart the patterns and spent hours to memorize their UML diagrams, but sometimes when we need to use them in a real project, it becomes more problematic. Continue reading “Learn Design Patterns from RigsOfRods Game Project”

C++ Standards and Best Practices: The Perfect Combo

C++ has been stagnated for many years, and many developers were confident that the language would have the same destiny as Cobol, Fortran, and VB6.  On the contrary and against all odds, C++ is reborn from its ashes and the new standards are importantly changing how the language is used.

The evolution of C++ by adding many interesting features does not mean that c++98 standard was a bad standard. Indeed, it gives us many interesting features to develop all kinds of applications. We can enumerate many well-developed old C++ projects, where the code is easy to maintain and evolve. Continue reading “C++ Standards and Best Practices: The Perfect Combo”

The hidden cost of a high coupling with a C++ framework.

Many C++ libraries and frameworks are available and using them can accelerate the development of your projects. In this post we will explore the drawback of having a C++ application highly dependent with an external framework. But first what’s the difference between a library and a framework? And why the high coupling with a framework could have more drawbacks than a high coupling with a library? Continue reading “The hidden cost of a high coupling with a C++ framework.”

Learn from the C++ POCO libraries how to write a clean code.

The POCO C++ Libraries are a collection of open source class libraries for developing network-centric, portable applications in C++.

POCO stands for POrtable COmponents. The libraries cover functionality such as threads, thread synchronization, file system access, streams, shared libraries and class loading, sockets and network protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc.), and include an HTTP server, as well as an XML parser with SAX2 and DOM interfaces and SQL database access.

The modular and efficient design and implementation makes the POCO C++ Libraries well suited for embedded development. Continue reading “Learn from the C++ POCO libraries how to write a clean code.”

Try to understand the Linus Torvalds C++ opinion.

Linux, Php, and Git are a popular projects developed with C, in the other side OpenOffice, firefox, Clang, Photoshop are developed with C++, so it’s proven that each one is a good candidate to develop complex applications. Try to prove that a language is better than the other is maybe not the good debate. However we can discuss the motivations behind choosing one of them.

When I discovered the opinion of Linus Trovalds about C++, and as a C++ developer I totally disagree with his point of view. But it’s a point of view from the lead developer of the Linux kernel and git and he can’t be totally wrong. Continue reading “Try to understand the Linus Torvalds C++ opinion.”

Master C++ Concurrency with ‘Concurrency with Modern C++

C++11 and beyond introduced a new thread library. This library includes utilities for starting and managing threads. It also contains utilities for synchronization like mutexes and other locks, atomic variables and other utilities.

It’s a good news to have a standard way to manage the concurrency in C++, indeed before the introduced features in the new standards, many libraries and ways existed to manage the concurrency in the C++ projects. Continue reading “Master C++ Concurrency with ‘Concurrency with Modern C++”

Easy steps to modernize your C++ code.

Recently the C++ community  promotes the use of the new standards to modernize the existing code base.  However even before the release of the C++11 standard some known C++ experts like Andrei Alexandrescu, Scott Meyers and Herb Sutter promotes the uses of the generic programming and they qualify it as Modern C++ Design. Here’s what say Andrei Alexandrescu about the Modern C++ design:

Modern C++ Design defines and systematically uses generic components – highly flexible design artifacts that are mixable and matchable to obtain rich behaviors with a small, orthogonal body of code.

Three assertions are interesting in his point of view: Continue reading “Easy steps to modernize your C++ code.”

Some C++ good practices from the OpenCV source code

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision, developed by Intel Russia research center in Nizhny Novgorod. The library is cross-platform. It focuses mainly on real-time image processing.

OpenCV is widely used, Adopted all around the world, for end users, it’s very mature and powerful, for developers it’s well implemented and designed. The OpenCV developers used very basic principles which makes it very simple to understand and maintain.

Let’s discover some OpenCV design choices: Continue reading “Some C++ good practices from the OpenCV source code”

Comparing Quake3 Original and Kenny Edition Codebases

Quake III Arena is a multiplayer-focused first-person shooter video game released in December 1999. The game was developed by id Software. Quake III was a very popular game and even now it’s still popular and many gamers enjoy with it.

The original source code of Quake3 can be found here .

Artem Kharytoniuk decide to create it’s own version  and his goal is described in it’s repo:

This repository contains updated version of the original Q3 codebase with reorganized code structure, compatibility fixes, build setup for the latest Visual Studio and modifications that update the core tech but preserve original gameplay, look and feel. Continue reading “Comparing Quake3 Original and Kenny Edition Codebases”