C++26 is coming, but what are the major features that have been added to C++ since C++11?

Modern C++ has seen a series of significant updates starting from C++11, each bringing new features and enhancements that aim to make the language more efficient, readable, and maintainable. Here’s a brief overview of the major features introduced in each version since C++11, along with a comment on their usage:


C++11 marked a significant evolution in the C++ language, introducing several powerful features that modernized and simplified C++ programming. Here are some of the most impactful features, along with examples to illustrate their usage:

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Understanding Small String Optimization (SSO) in std::string

In the world of C++ programming, efficient memory management is crucial for optimal performance. One fascinating feature that many modern implementations of std::string offer is Small String Optimization (SSO). This clever optimization can significantly enhance the performance of string operations by minimizing heap allocations for small strings. Let’s dive into what SSO is, how it works, and why it matters.

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