Query your codebase dependencies using CppDepend AI

Query Your Codebase Dependencies Using CppDepend AI

CppDepend offers a powerful tool for analyzing and understanding your codebase through its comprehensive Code Model. This model provides a detailed representation of the codebase, capturing all the dependencies between code elements.

CppDepend AI introduces a revolutionary feature that allows developers to easily query codebase dependencies using natural language commands. This capability simplifies the process of identifying and understanding dependencies within your codebase, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

To demonstrate the capabilities of CppDepend AI, we will use the Poco Project as an example.

Give Me the Methods Used by the FileImpl Class

To find out which methods are used by the FileImpl class, simply write in the Ask CppDepend AI area:
summary of the foundation project

CppDepend AI will analyze the codebase and provide a detailed list of all methods utilized by the FileImpl class.

Projects Used by the Foundation Project

To identify the projects that the foundation project depends on, write:
projects used by the foundation project

This request will help you understand the inter-project dependencies within your codebase.

Complex Methods Used by the Deflate Method

For a focused query on complex methods that are called by the deflate method, write:
complex methods used by the deflate method

CppDepend AI will list all complex methods used by the deflate method, helping you identify potential areas of concern.

Public Methods Accessing Private Fields

To find public methods that access private fields, write:
public methods accessing private fields

This request will help you identify potential encapsulation issues in your codebase.

Classes Used by the FileImpl Class

To see which classes are used by the FileImpl class, write:
classes used by the fileimpl class

CppDepend AI will provide a detailed list of all classes utilized by the FileImpl class.

Methods Using the FileImpl Class

To find out which methods are using the FileImpl class, write:
methods using the fileimpl class

CppDepend AI will analyze and provide a list of methods that depend on the FileImpl class.

CppDepend AI revolutionizes the way developers query codebase dependencies by providing an intuitive, natural language interface. Whether you're looking to identify method dependencies, inter-project dependencies, or specific dependency patterns, CppDepend AI offers the tools and insights you need to manage and optimize your codebase effectively. Start leveraging the power of CppDepend AI today to effortlessly query and analyze your codebase dependencies.

CppDepend offers a wide range of features. It is often described as a Swiss Army Knife for C and C++ developers.

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