Mastering MISRA C Compliance with CppDepend

Understanding CppDepend Support for MISRA C Compliance


In today's rapidly evolving automotive industry, the importance of reliable and safe software cannot be overstated. The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) plays a crucial role in establishing best practices for developing safety-related electronic systems in road vehicles and other embedded systems. As a collaborative effort between vehicle manufacturers, component suppliers, and engineering consultancies, MISRA aims to ensure the highest standards in software reliability.

One essential tool for achieving MISRA C compliance is CppDepend, which helps developers adhere to these stringent guidelines. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pivotal role of MISRA C in the automotive industry and how CppDepend can support developers in creating safer, more reliable software for vehicles and embedded systems.

To learn Misra C Standards, you can print this Misra C 2012 Standard documentation.

Using Misra C Rules in CppDepend

When you create a new CppDepend Project, a pop-up will appear displaying all the coding standards you would like to include in your analysis. To include MISRA C coding standards, check the MISRA option and choose MISRA C.

misra c rules in CppDepend

After analyzing your project, Navigate to the Queries and Rules Explorer section, and select the Misra C Rules from the left-hand menu (Highlighted in red in the image below). This will display all the related Misra C rules on the right. Upon clicking a Rule, the corresponding CQLinq query and the relevant source code will be automatically generated. Additionally, the Metrics View section provides a visualization of the issue's location and significance.

misra c rules in CppDepend

Incorporating Misra Rules into the HTML Report

To include the Misra rules in the generated HTML Report (available in the DevOps Edition), simply right-click on the Misra C group and select "List Code Queries of this Group in a dedicated section in Report."

Add Misra C Rules to Report

List of Misra C Rules

CppDepend offers support for 99 Misra C standard queries.

To gain a deeper understanding of each rule and its functionality, please consult this Misra C 2012 Standard documentation.

Uncessary Constructs

  • Rule 2.1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0         
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_unreachable" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 2.2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0         
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_unreachable" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 2.3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_unused_local_typedef" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 2.5

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0         
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="pp_macro_not_used" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 2.6

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_unused_label" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 2.7

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues 
    where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_unused_parameter"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}


  • Rule 3.1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_nested_block_comment" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 3.2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="ext_multi_line_line_comment" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

Identifiers and Lexical Conventions

  • Rule 4.2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="trigraph_ignored" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5.3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_decl_shadow" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5.7

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="err_use_with_wrong_tag" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 7.2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where  issue.Type=="Rule2-13-3" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 7.3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where  issue.Type=="Rule2-13-4" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

Declarations and defintions

  • Rule 8.1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="trigraph_ignored" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 8.4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="trigraph_ignored" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 8.11

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule3-1-3"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 8.12

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule3-1-3"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 9.1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_uninit_var" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 9.2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_uninit_var" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 9.4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_uninit_var" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

Pointer type conversions

  • Rule 11.1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.NbLinesOfCode>0 
    && m.SourceDecls.First().SourceFile.FileNameExtension.StartsWith("h")
    select new { m,IncludeFile=m.SourceDecls.First().SourceFile.FilePathString }

  • Rule 11.5

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule3-1-2"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 11.7

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule3-1-3"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 11.8

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule3-1-3"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 11.9

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule3-1-3"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}


  • Rule 12.2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_unsequence_mod_use" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 12.3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule5-18-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 13.3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_impcast_integer_sign" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 13.4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_impcast_float_integer" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 13.6

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_impcast_integer_precision" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5-0-7

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="bugprone-integer-division" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5–0–9

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_impcast_integer_sign" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5–0–15

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang-Tidy" && issue.Type=="cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5–0–18

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="comparePointers" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5–2–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="err_static_downcast_via_virtual" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5–2–4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_old_style_cast" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5–2–6

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_cxx98_compat_cast_fn_obj" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule5–3–3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.SimpleName== "operator&"
    select m

  • Rule5–3–4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule5-8-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 5–14–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule5-14-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}


  • Rule 6–2–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule6-2-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–2–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_floatingpoint_eq" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–2–3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule6-2-3"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–3–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule6-3-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–4–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule6-4-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–4–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule6-4-2"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6-4-3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where  issue.Type=="warn_jump_out_of_scope" || issue.Type=="Rule6-6-2" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–4–4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule6-4-4"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • A loop counter shall not have essentially Floating type: If a developer fails to add a break statement to the end of a switch-clause,then control flow “falls” into any following switch-clause. Whilst this is sometimes intentional, it is often an error.

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_unannotated_fallthrough" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–4–6

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule6-4-6"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–4–7

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_bool_switch_condition" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–4–8

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule6-4-8"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–6–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_jump_out_of_scope" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–6–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where  issue.Type=="Rule6-6-2" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 6–6–5

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where  issue.Type=="Rule6-6-5" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}


  • Rule 7-3-1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.SimpleName=="main" && m.ParentNamespace.Name!=""
    select m

  • Rule 7–3–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.SimpleName=="main" && m.ParentNamespace.Name!=""
    select m

  • Rule 7–3–3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule7-3-3"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 7–3–4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule7-3-4"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 7–4–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.SimpleName=="main" && m.ParentNamespace.Name!=""
    select m

  • Rule 7–4–3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.SimpleName=="main" && m.ParentNamespace.Name!=""
    select m

  • Rule 7–5–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="returnAddressOfAutoVariable" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 7–5–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="deadpointer" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 7-5-4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="CppCheck" && issue.Type=="deadpointer" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}


  • Rule 8–4–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.IsVariadic
    select m

  • Rule 8–4–3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_maybe_falloff_nonvoid_function" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 8–4–4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_duplicate_enum_values" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 8–5–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_uninit_var" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 8–5–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_missing_braces" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 8–5–3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_duplicate_enum_values" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}


  • Rule 9–5–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule9-5-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 10–1–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule10-1-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 10–3–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule10-3-2"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 11–0–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from f in JustMyCode.Fields where !f.ParentType.IsPOD && f.IsPublic
    select f

  • Rule 12–1–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where 
    (m.IsConstructor || m.IsDestructor)
    && (m.MethodsCalled.Where(vm=>vm.IsVirtual).Count()>0 || m.IsUsing("Keywords.dynamic_cast".AllowNoMatch()))
    select m

  • Rule 12–1–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.IsConstructor && m.Params.Count()==1 && m.Params.First().ParamType!=null
    && m.Params.First().ParamType.Name=="int" && !m.IsExplicitConstructor
    select m

  • Rule 12–8–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.SimpleName== "operator==" 
    && m.ParentType.IsAbstract && m.IsPublic 
    select m


  • Rule 15–0–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule15-0-2"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 15–3–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from m in JustMyCode.Methods where m.IsEntryPoint
    && m.IsUsing("Keywords.generic_catch".AllowNoMatch()) select m

  • Rule 15–3–5

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="catchExceptionByValue"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 15–3–7

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_exception_caught_by_earlier_handler" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 15–5–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="exceptThrowInDestructor"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}


  • Rule 16–0–3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_undef_used" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 16–0–7

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_pp_undef_identifier" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 16–3–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_pp_hashhash_used" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 16–3–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_pp_hash_used" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}


  • Rule 17–0–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.ToolName=="Clang" && issue.Type=="warn_reserved_id_macro" select 
    new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 17–0–5

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule17-0-5"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 18–0–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-0-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 18–0–2

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-0-2"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 18–0–3

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-0-3"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 18–0–4

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-0-4"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 18–0–5

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-0-5"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 18–2–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-2-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 18–4–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-4-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 18–7–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-7-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 19–3–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule19-3-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

  • Rule 27–0–1

    This coding standard is computed with the following query:

    warnif count > 0 
    from issue in ImportedIssues where issue.Type=="Rule18-4-1"
    select new { issue,issue.FilePath,Line=issue.BeginLine}

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