Query your codebase changes using CppDepend AI

Query Your Codebase Changes Using CppDepend AI

CppDepend offers an advanced tool for analyzing and understanding your codebase through its comprehensive Code Model. This model provides a detailed representation of the codebase, capturing various aspects of the source code and its structure. By analyzing the code, CppDepend extracts a wealth of information that facilitates a variety of analyses and visualizations.

With the introduction of CppDepend AI, querying codebase changes has become incredibly straightforward. CppDepend AI leverages natural language processing, allowing developers to easily query code changes using simple, intuitive commands. This innovative feature makes it possible to gain valuable insights into recent modifications without the need for extensive technical expertise.

To demonstrate the capabilities of CppDepend AI, we will use the Poco Project as an example and query changes in the Poco Project.

Give me New Methods

To get a list of new methods added to the codebase, simply write in the Ask CppDepend AI area:
give me new methods

CppDepend AI will analyze the codebase and provide a detailed list of all new methods, helping you keep track of recent additions.

CppDepend AI will provide an interactive chat, so you can ask to filter the previous result and remove the constructors using the command: remove constructors from this list

Removed Classes

To identify classes that have been removed from the codebase, use:
removed classes

CppDepend AI will list all the classes that have been deleted, giving you a clear view of what has been removed.

Methods Where Complexity Increased

To find methods where complexity has increased, use:
methods where complexity increased

CppDepend AI will analyze and report on methods with increased complexity, helping you identify potential areas of concern.

You can ask to complements the previous result and add the complexity metric:

New Issues

For a list of new issues detected in the codebase, use:
new issues

CppDepend AI will provide a comprehensive report on newly identified issues, allowing you to address them promptly.

Fixed Issues

To track issues that have been resolved, use:
fixed issues

CppDepend AI will list all the issues that have been fixed, giving you insight into the progress and improvements made.

CppDepend AI revolutionizes the way developers query codebase changes by providing an intuitive, natural language interface for accessing detailed information. Whether you're looking to track new methods, identify removed classes, monitor complexity changes, or keep an eye on new and fixed issues, CppDepend AI offers the tools and insights you need to understand and manage code changes effectively. Start leveraging the power of CppDepend AI today to effortlessly query and analyze your codebase changes.

CppDepend offers a wide range of features. It is often described as a Swiss Army Knife for C and C++ developers.

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