Why should you consider using the C++ POCO library?

The POCO C++ Libraries (POCO stands for “Portable Components”) is a collection of open-source C++ class libraries that simplify and accelerate the development of network-centric, portable applications in C++. These libraries provide a wealth of features, ranging from HTTP and HTTPS clients and servers, to XML parsing, to data encryption, to threading support, and much more.

We’ve relied on the POCO library for over 15 years to verify whether CppDepend accurately evaluates well-implemented projects. Therefore, this assessment is not drawn from a fleeting encounter with the library but from a thorough analysis of its many versions over the past 15 years.

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C++ creator rebuts White House warning, but there’s no smoke without fire :)

In a March 15 response to an inquiry from InfoWorld, Stroustrup pointed out strengths of C++. “I find it surprising that the writers of those government documents seem oblivious of the strengths of contemporary C++ and the efforts to provide strong safety guarantees,” Stroustrup said. 

And Stroustrup cited a fact about the origin of the issue :

There are two problems related to safety. Of the billions of lines of C++, few completely follow modern guidelines, and peoples’ notions of which aspects of safety are important differ.

This highlights a significant problem with C++. When any programming language permits the execution of potentially harmful actions, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a considerable portion of developers may misuse it.

And when confronted about writing bad code, developers may offer various arguments to justify their actions, though these are often excuses rather than valid reasons:

Continue reading “C++ creator rebuts White House warning, but there’s no smoke without fire :)”

What attempts have been made to bring memory safety to C++?

C++ is a powerful and widely used programming language known for its flexibility and performance. However, one of its historical drawbacks has been the lack of built-in memory safety features, which can lead to various types of memory-related bugs such as buffer overflows, dangling pointers, and memory leaks.

This is a known issue that has persisted for decades, and numerous attempts have been made to find a solution. Unfortunately, none have succeeded.

What has been done in the past to enhance memory safety within the language?

Continue reading “What attempts have been made to bring memory safety to C++?”

Make your C++ code more safer by enabling the native compiler Runtime Checks.

Runtime checks in C++ refer to mechanisms or tools used to detect errors, vulnerabilities, or unexpected behavior in a program while it is executing. These checks are performed dynamically during runtime rather than at compile-time and can help identify issues that may not be apparent during static analysis or code review.

Continue reading “Make your C++ code more safer by enabling the native compiler Runtime Checks.”

The Must-Have Solution for C, C++, and Java Developers

CppDepend for C/C++ and JArchitect for Java are powerful software tools that offer a wide range of features to help C, C++, and Java developers create high-quality code.

Don’t wait – take advantage of these valuable tools and start improving your code base today!

Continue reading “The Must-Have Solution for C, C++, and Java Developers”

Code Complexity Analysis with CppDepend Tool

CppDepend is a powerful and versatile tool for analyzing code dependencies in C++. It is designed to help developers, architects, and project managers get a better understanding of the structure of their code and how different components depend on each other. With CppDepend, it is possible to visualize the relationships between different classes, methods, and other components, as well as to identify potential problems, such as tight coupling, circular dependencies, and other issues that can lead to code fragility and reduced maintainability.

Continue reading “Code Complexity Analysis with CppDepend Tool”

Discover CPPDepend 2023.1: New Features & Enhancements

CppDepend, the leading code analysis tool for C/C++ developers, announces the release of its latest version 2023.1, with exciting new features aimed at improving code quality and maintenance.

The latest version includes a Maintainability Index, which helps developers assess the maintainability of their code. The index is calculated using various metrics, including code complexity and design, and provides a single, easy-to-understand score that gives developers a quick understanding of the state of their codebase.

Continue reading “Discover CPPDepend 2023.1: New Features & Enhancements”

Some C++ good practices from the OpenCV source code

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision, developed by Intel Russia research center in Nizhny Novgorod. The library is cross-platform. It focuses mainly on real-time image processing.

OpenCV is widely used, Adopted all around the world, for end users, it’s very mature and powerful, for developers it’s well implemented and designed. The OpenCV developers used very basic principles which makes it very simple to understand and maintain.

Let’s discover some OpenCV design choices: Continue reading “Some C++ good practices from the OpenCV source code”

Learn from Old Games: Prince of Persia & Doom3

Currently many mature libraries and frameworks exist for each programming language and many advanced features were added to the languages. But what about the old projects where the language features were not advanced as now and no many mature libraries existed yet?

Let’s explore some old well implemented projects and discover how they are implemented. Continue reading “Learn from Old Games: Prince of Persia & Doom3”